The Art of Darkness (Part 8)
“Love will find a way through paths where wolves fear to prey.” -Lord Byron
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7
Morvinus tried to get in front of me, nearly stumbling on a sizable pothole in the asphalt. “Amber, it carries too much risk. Please, you can not do this.”
It took him by surprise when I stopped, his usual graceful manner shaken by the jolt in movement.
“Morvinus, I have a lot of questions. And right now, he's the only one who can answer them. If you know of a better way to do this, by all means. Until then, I'm going to see him. With or without you.” I didn't wait for a response before marching off, only to realize if he decided enough was enough, I might be walking. But, regardless, I couldn't just let it stand.
Luckily, I didn't have to make that choice. “Amber, wait.” There was an audible sigh as he joined me. “Are you sure this is wise with you being in such a state?”
“We don't have time to waste.”
“Fair enough.”
He held the door for me as I climbed into the passenger seat, relieved that I didn't have to do this alone. It wasn't going to be an easy conversation for either of us.
Even though the drive was relatively short, with the uncomfortable silence building, it felt much longer. Only this time it wasn't the tension between us, but my growing anxiety around what I was about to do. I couldn't keep my hands from wringing, tearing an extra napkin I found to shreds, fluttering pieces all over my lap and the floor. Morvinus touched my wrist, the gentle reminder I needed.
It was then, in that moment, his cold fingers on my skin, I finally took a breath, allowing me to clear some of the fog. Like it was the first time since this entire charade began. I turned each detail over and over, giving it a second glance in my mind.
“Morvinus, why haven't I turned?”
This question seemed to catch him off guard. “What?”
“I've been bitten twice now. Both times more than forty-eight hours out. I don't feel any different. I thought I would feel different.”
“Amber, you can not be turned by being bitten. As far as I am aware, there has never been any case of a human being turned at all. Though, I will admit, most of us do not leave their prey alive to find out. However, every vampire I have ever known was born that way.”
“But, there's no mark, no scar, no pain, nothing. Almost like it never happened. I don't know. I'm not making any sense.”
He squeezed my hand and smiled. “You are to me.”
When we pulled up to the house, the street was quiet. Not at all unusual for this suburban neighborhood at this time of evening, but somehow, today, for me, it was more than unnerving. Approaching the front door, I found myself looking over my shoulder more than once, even jumping when a stray cat ran across the street. I lifted my hand to knock, forcing myself to take a deep breath.
For a moment, there was laughter behind the door, until Dr. Isaacs opened it to see my face, nearly dropping the phone in his hand.
“I’ll have to call you back,” he said, pocketing the phone. “Amber. This is a surprise. What are you doing here? Are you all right?” He stepped out onto the porch, closing the door behind him, speaking in hushed tones.
“Dr. Isaacs, I need– we need your help.”
He glanced at Morvinus and then back at me. “Is that–”
“Morvinus Andronov, sir. Pleasure to make your acquaintance.” Ever the elegant man, he gave a small bow of respect.
Dr. Isaacs stood mouth agape, staring. “Remarkable,” he muttered.
“Dr. Isaacs, I’m sorry to just show up, but it’s important. Can we come in?”
“Amber, you know I consider you my best pupil and above all that, a good friend. But you are asking me to invite a vampire into my house where my wife and children are sleeping.”
“Amber,” Morvinus tugged lightly on my elbow, pulling me to him and lowering his voice. “Perhaps it would be best if I stay outside.”
“No, Morvinus. No. Dr. Isaacs, all due respect, sir, you don’t know him like I do. I won't just leave him outside like a dog. Please.”
“Amber–” Morvinus objected. I threw my hand up, keeping a stern gaze toward Dr. Isaacs.
“You really trust him?”
“With my life.”
He sighed. “All right. Come, we can talk in the study.”
Dr. Isaacs kept a close eye on Morvinus as he led us through the house, back to the study.
For someone who headed the anthropology department at such an elite university, Dr. Isaac's home was surprisingly modest. Over the years I had been invited here several times, usually at gatherings or holidays. The last was just about a month ago to celebrate my dissertation. Though I knew the house well, walking through it now, it felt like a stranger. Nothing had changed, but everything looked different. Darker somehow.
When we reached the study, he ushered us in, shutting the door lightly behind us.
“Now, what is it you wanted to talk to me about?”
“I believe you have something I need.”
He perched himself on the corner of his desk, crossing his arms. “Oh? What would that be? Please don't touch that.”
Morvinus replaced the picture frame on the shelf behind him, throwing his hands up in an apologetic gesture before continuing with his curious wandering.
“I'm looking for some very rare journals. Written by a Dr. Albrecht Bachmann.”
“Ah, I see.” His face fell. “What have you gotten yourself into, Amber? You show up, unannounced, a vampire in tow. And now, you’re asking to see the journals of a Veidr?”
This got Morvinus’ attention. “A Veidr? Are you sure?”
“I'm sorry, a what?”
“A vampire hunter.”
“Dr. Bachmann was a vampire hunter?”
“Ah, you didn’t know about that part. As a young boy, Dr. Bachmann’s family was murdered by vampires. That's how he discovered their existence. As you can imagine, that did not make him very sympathetic to their cause. As a result, much of his adolescence and young adult years were spent as a Veidr. Until he met Katerina. She changed everything.”
“Why didn't you tell me any of this?”
“He said you needed to find your own way.”
Dr. Isaacs got up from the desk, putting his glasses on, and walked around the study until he came to one of the shelves, thumbing along the books. “Not long after you came to this department, I was approached by a man. A vampire. He told me you were very important. He never did say why, only that I should encourage you in your studies however possible, to keep a close eye, so to speak. Ah.” He pulled three small notebooks from the shelf, handing them to me. “He said there were some things, like these journals, I needed to keep hidden until the time was right. That you needed to come upon them yourself. Only then, would you understand.”
“Who? Who told you all of this?”
“He never gave me his name. He did say to tell you, you have your mother's eyes. He said you would know what that means.”
I fell back into the chair behind me. Could it be? The very same vampire I met all those years ago? What did this mean? My world was spinning, head filling too quickly with more questions I couldn't answer.
“Amber, are you all right?”
“Can I take these?”
“Sure. Keep them as long as you like.”
He leaned down to me, “Amber, are you certain you're all right? Is there someone I can call? Anything I can do?”
I found myself unsure of how to answer him. “We should go.” I peeled myself from the chair, my legs heavier than I remembered.
When we made it back to the door, Dr. Isaacs caught me by the elbow.
“Amber, whatever trouble you’re in, be careful, okay?”
“Um, I might need a bit more time before I come back. I have to see this through.”
“I understand. Take all the time you need.”
Morvinus drove us down the street to another hotel. Another gilded cage. At least this one was cleaner. He managed to scrounge up some food for me to eat from the restaurant next door, though my appetite wasn’t cooperating. Almost time for him to disappear again. My inner voice continued its nagging, though it was admittedly quieter this time. Perhaps I had simply gotten better at ignoring it.
I still had the journals in hand, clutching them tightly as I sat down at the end of the bed. Morvinus took a seat next to me, a look of deep concern etched on his face.
“I know. You need to feed. It’s all right.”
“I promise to return before sunrise. Please, do try to stay out of sight this time.”
I nodded, managing a small smile. He got up from the bed, giving me a light kiss on my forehead before heading out the door.
I knew I needed sleep. It’s what I should have been doing. But my brain had other ideas, planting me at the desk in the corner of the room. So many unanswered questions. Now that I had the journals, I found myself terrified to open them. What new secrets would I uncover? After all that had happened in the last couple of weeks, I wasn’t sure I could handle any more revelations.
Laying them out in front of me, I noticed all three had similar etchings to the first. The same vampiric symbol on the front. Though one in particular was crossed out, heavy lines nearly obscuring the entire indentation. It was this one of which I was most afraid. Tracing the marks with my fingers, I could almost feel the anger and pain, deep and furious.
As I lifted the cover and opened to the first page, these words were different, echoed with a haste I hadn't encountered before.
February 12th, 1824
I made all the necessary preparations, even cutting my arm to leave a trail for them. The group must have been rather hungry because I did not have to wait long. The first two were successfully taken out almost immediately as they filed through the narrow passageway. The last three, however, got the better of me, the two males holding me down while the third, a female, pierced my neck. As my blood thinned, becoming one within her, I began to lose consciousness, certain I was near death. Strangely, it was at that moment, she stopped, pulling back to look at me, my blood dripping from her lips. And, for but a fleeting moment, I felt something. As though all the pain and anger was suddenly thrust forcefully away. It was the last thing I witnessed before darkness fell upon me.
When I awoke, I found myself in the bedchamber of a strange house, amazed to still be alive. Imagine my surprise to find the very same female vampire now at my bedside, nursing my wounds. When she spoke it was not in anger, but in kindness, something I had never expected. She explained there were those among her kind, in secret of course, who no longer desired a predatory life, that they had found a way to coexist. At first, I believed it to be a ruse. For in all my years of hunting, I had never encountered one before. Though, if her story is true, it would be a remarkable achievement. From a scientific perspective, I must admit, I am curious.
February 20th, 1824
It has now been a week since I was attacked. My wounds have healed and I feel better today than I have in months. To which I owe a great deal of gratitude toward Miss Dragos and her ever dedicated bedside manner. Despite the return of my physical strength, however, when I look in the mirror, I find my reflection has become unrecognizable. From what Miss Dragos has told me of her order, paired with her unusual behavior, I asked if there were any way she could prove to me such a way of life is possible. She was hesitant at first, but, finally, she agreed. Last night, with my permission, she fed on me.
To say it was an odd experience would be a rich understatement. Though she and I discussed their protocols before she began, nothing could have prepared me for what I was about to undergo. Her bite was sharp but soft, with much trepidation on both our parts. I had removed my tunic ahead of the encounter so as not to soil it, but it left me with a sense of unease. Dare I say it, aroused. It created a tension I did not expect. Per the agreement, when I felt my head beginning to lighten, I squeezed her arm and she backed away, releasing her hold.
I still can not say whether it was the false euphoria, or something else, but regardless, I have found, since our first meeting, my feelings towards her have changed quite dramatically. No longer is she the heartless enemy I once saw, but something else entirely. Even more so, I am starting to believe she may be right. Perhaps it is possible for our two worlds to coexist in peace.
I’m not sure what time it was when I fell asleep, only that it must have been late. When I opened my eyes, I was in the bed, blankets pulled up to my shoulders. Morvinus laid on top of the blanket beside me, his cold hand grasping mine. When I stirred, he opened his eyes, smiling. “Hi.”
Removing his hand, he swept a lock of hair from my face. “How are you feeling?”
“Okay, I guess. I still have so many questions.”
“I take it you have had a look at more of Dr. Bachmann's writings?”
I nodded.
“And what have you found?”
I sat myself up, taking a breath. He wasn't going to like this. “I think I know of a way for you to feed from me.”
“Amber,” he lifted himself from the bed, “we have discussed this before, it is far too dangerous.”
“Dr. Bachmann and Katerina obviously made it work, how are we any different? Morvinus, I know you're scared. So am I. But I'm more afraid of what we'll become if we keep going like this. I think it's worth the risk.”
“What do you propose?”
I retrieved the journal, showing him the entries I had been reading.
“Dr. Bachmann speaks of a system he and Katerina tested. Sort of like introducing small amounts, allowing your body to adjust.”
“Building up a tolerance.”
“Do you really believe it would work?”
“I think we should try.”
He sighed, running a hand through his hair. “How do we start?”
“Like they did. In small doses. If I begin to feel lightheaded, I’ll squeeze your arm.”
I tugged on the collar of my shirt.
He hesitated. “Perhaps you should lie down. In case you-“
Scooting back on the bed, I laid myself on top of the blanket. He let out a heavy breath, taking a couple of nervous paces before crawling over me, bracing himself on his hands.
“Are you sure about this?” I could hear the tremble in his voice.
I nodded. I didn’t have the wits to tell him I was terrified.
Continued in Part 9
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Oh... oh my! They are going to train blood drinking are they?